The Decision Process

Some of us may be called to leave our secular careers to serve God in full-time ministry. But many more of us may be called to serve God through our careers, which are God-given gifts for spiritual influence. Tentmakers are called to use our education and professions to fulfill God’s purpose in global missions.



Some prospective tentmakers are dedicated to their profession, and it is secondary where they go in order to serve. Others are happy with any job as long as they can support themselves and have a witness among the unreached. But most people find themselves somewhere in between.

As a tentmakers' network, we understand the challenges. We can help you explore your options, provide career counseling and ministry guidance as you seek the Lord and prepare to go overseas.

We keep our association dues low so that it should not be an obstacle for anyone—$1,100 for singles and $2,000 for couples.



Ways we can help:

  • Assess your readiness for service overseas

  • Assist in job placement

  • Provide orientation

  • Support your transition

  • Connect you for field community and accountability



You need to get a job. But do not jump at the first job that will take you overseas. Think about your long-term career. The position has to be viable in terms of work and ministry. 

Be prepared for a significant pay cut due to cost of living adjustments, and expect a different work culture even in multinational companies.

Where jobs are modest in pay, e.g. teaching at state-run universities or working in an NGO, partial fund-raising may be necessary for health insurance, children’s education, international travel, etc.

About half of GLS associates come to us with their own jobs. To others, we provide career counsel as well as referrals to employers, headhunters and fellow professionals on the field. We would love to talk to you about your vision and connect you to opportunities.


GLS has been an indispensable part of our transition to China as an expat family. The prayer, support, encouragement and accountability helped make our long term stay here viable and thriving. We now receive and counsel many who come. Our advice is always the same: make sure you are with an accountability organization like GLS!
— Alex & Elizabeth, Corporate Executive & Homemaker
GLS mentors have proven not only to be great mentors but also wonderful friends. They have prayed for and walked with me during the hard times, but more importantly they celebrated God’s faithfulness in my life at all times. In many ways, they are the Christian parents I never had. I always thank God for their wisdom and love.
— Frank, Business Executive